"Managing and Monitoring Access on AWS"

Level: Intermediate

Author: Paolo Cruschelli

Explore the tools and best practices to securely administer access to AWS resources. In this course, Managing and Monitoring Access on AWS, you’ll learn to properly manage AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) for your AWS environment. You’ll take a deep dive into AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management). First, you’ll explore how to securely manage user access to AWS User Interfaces (namely the Dashboard/CLI/API). Next, you’ll discover how to grant users authenticated access to resources by implementing the RBAC strategy. Then, you’ll follow a scenario where external (web or mobile) users need access to AWS resources and you’ll learn how to implement this scenario by means of AWS COGNITO framework. Finally, you’ll learn how to track the activity performed by users on an AWS account for accounting purposes. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge on AWS IAM tools to properly manage identity and access to AWS resources under a wide number of real-world scenarios.

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Start Managing and Monitoring Access on AWS Now

by Paolo Cruschelli

Paolo Cruschelli

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